Then we pan out, and Walt slowly dissolves into the desert scenery behind him - and then the RV does soon after. They talk about naming the baby Holly and what their weekend’s going to look like, and Walt looks weirdly happy about his situation. He puts on that green shirt and goes outside to practice his lie to Skyler - the “lie that started all the lies,” as Aaron Paul reminded us on Twitter during last night’s viewing. “The reaction has begun,” Walt says, which is even more ominous and makes all that’s come after feel even more inevitable. Walt and Jesse bicker over exothermic reactions and smoking cigarettes (aw, look at them talking with only a minor amount of contempt for each other!), but it feels so foreign now, even though I’m reasonably certain that we saw all of this in the pilot. Hey, that’s the face I’m making right now! What the heck, guys? It’s the RV meth lab! Oh, look, there’s Walt with hair and snarky antagonist Jesse and everything. Instead of a terrifying shootout, we open with a close-up of boiling water… in a meth lab. When last we left the gang, OHMYGODWHATTHEHELL.īut that’s not actually where we’re starting - which didn’t surprise me at first, since this show really likes to build up tension by not immediately coming back to the cliffhanger it set up in the previous episode.