Coulton in 1921 Professor Rosamond McKitterick now acts as General Editor of the Fourth Series, with Professor Christine Carpenter and Dr Jonathan Shepard as Advisory Editors.
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The series Cambridge Studies in Medieval Life and Thought was inaugurated by G. Thomas University, New Brunswick.Ĭambridge Studies in Medieval Life and Thought Fourth Series General Editor: R OS A M OND M c c K I T T ERICK Professor of Medieval History, University of Cambridge, and Fellow of Sidney Sussex CollegeĪdvisory Editors: C HR I S T I NE C A R PENT E R Professor of Medieval English History, University of Cambridge Robin Vo se is Assistant Professor of History at St.

This study sheds new light on the topic by setting Dominican participation in celebrated but short-lived projects such as Arabic language studia or anti-Jewish theological disputations alongside day-to-day realities of mendicant life in the medieval Crown of Aragon.Whether in old Catalan centers like Barcelona, newly conquered Valencia or Islamic North Africa, the author shows that Dominican friars were on the whole conservative educators and disciplinarians rather than innovative missionaries – ever concerned to protect the spiritual well-being of the faithful by means of preaching, censorship and maintenance of existing barriers to interfaith communications. Historians have long assumed that their efforts to convert or persecute non-Christian populations played a major role in worsening relations between Christians, Muslims and Jews in the era of crusade and reconquista.

With their active apostolate of preaching and teaching, Dominican friars were important promoters of Latin Christianity in the borderlands of medieval Spain and North Africa. Dominicans, M uslims and Jews in the Medieval Crown of Aragon