While too many statues might look cheesy (or creepy), adding a few that you really like to your patio or garden can give your backyard a personal touch. Add Statues & Fountains – While most backyard landscaping ideas revolve around plants or natural stone, statuary and fountains can add some nice flair to a backyard.You can plant all manner of water plants in and around your pond, you can build a waterfall feeding into your pond, and you can even add a few koi to your pond. Forming a pond amidst your gardens will enhance the aesthetic and provide new opportunities for landscaping design. Create a Pond – Water features are often a cornerstone of backyard landscaping.You can plant trees and shrubs both along the edges of your property and amidst your gardens.

Not only will trees and shrubs make your backyard feel like your personal slice of nature, they’ll offer you shade and privacy as they grow.

There are all sorts of things that you can do to make your backyard look amazing. However, if you’re inviting guests over for a social event, you probably want your backyard landscaping looking its best.

From yard games to barbeques to pool parties, there are all sorts of fun activities to enjoy with family and friends in our backyards. Whether it’s a warm summer morning or a crisp fall evening, the easiest way to enjoy the weather is by relaxing in our own backyards. Minnesota’s winters are long and cold, which is why most of us spend as much time outdoors as possible during the warmer months.